Saturday, March 31, 2018

Deadly Sin PC Game Free Download

Deadly Sin PC Game Free Download

Deadly Sin pc dvd front coverPC Hardware Configuration:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 600 Mhz
RAM: 128 MB
DirectX: 8.1
Hard Drive: 174 MB
Size: 305 MB

Game Footage:

Deadly Sin screenshot 1

Deadly Sin screenshot 2

Deadly Sin screenshot 3

Download Link :
Mirror 1 (Torrent Link)
Mirror 2 (Torrent Hash link)
Mirror 3 (Torrent Magnet Link)

You can also request for a Game by clicking "Request Page".

How to Download???
1. Click on the download links
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on....

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Download Winamp Pro 5 70 Build 3402 Beta

Download Winamp Pro 5 70 Build 3402 Beta

For Winamp Pro 5.70 Build 3402 Beta Keygen Click HERE

To Download Winamp Pro 5.70 Build 33402 Beta Software Click HERE

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Dua Sejoli Kepergok Mesum

Dua Sejoli Kepergok Mesum

 Lihat yang teliti yah, ada kemiripan gak yah ?
  • Sungguh sangat kasihan sekali dua sejoli ini, lagi mojok malah dilihatin. jadinya kaget deh tuh dia..
 ayoo.......... ketahuan sekarang.
Beginilah expresi dua sejoli yang sedang bercinta sambil mojok.
Mereka terlihat sangat kaget saat dipergoki sedang bercinta.

Anak kecil dilarang melihatnya !! JANGAN MENIRU ADEGAN DIATAS, BERBAHAYA!!

  •  Nah kalau yang satu ini tidak tahu malu. Dua sejoli ini mesum di jalan.. Woooow... berani banget mereka...
Silahkan dilihat aja deh fotonya, siapa tahu mirip sama yang nontonnya.

Udah dulu yah...
kasihan dianya malu kalau ditonton sama sodaranya.. wkwwkwk

Kabuuuuuuurrrrrr........... :D

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Diskeeper 2012 16 0 1017 Pro x86 x64 54 3 MB

Diskeeper 2012 16 0 1017 Pro x86 x64 54 3 MB


Diskeeper 2012 Professional was redesigned with a new, more intuitive user interface. Now it�s easier than ever for business users to gain increase
d system and application performance. Diskeeper not only accelerates application performance, it also improves disks performance. By proactively preventing files from fragmenting at the Windows level, your PCs can write or read in an optimized manner � one contiguous access � improving drive performance while extending the drives useful life. This increased PC speed and performance, allows users to do more in less time � saving you money.

Diskeeper runs transparently and proactively 24/7 to accelerated file I/O ensuring peak application and storage performance. While the background operations are invisible and practically undetectable, the performance benefits are easy to see.

Just by running Diskeeper on your PCs and laptops, users will experience:
- Faster System Speeds
- Shorter Boot Times
- Faster File Access
- Quicker Application Launch Speeds
- Increased Productivity
- Reduced Help Desk Calls

download links :-

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Cum sa faci bani din jocuri

Cum sa faci bani din jocuri

Numele meu este Adrian Popescu si vreau sa-ti arat o sursa de baniaccesibila oricui. Nu este vorba de imbogatire peste noapte si sa nu te astepti sa castigi multi bani din primele zile insa in timp cu pasi mai mici sau mai mari ajungi la castiguri frumusele facand ceva simplu: sa te joci. Ai citit bine, nu este mlm, hyip, ptc sau mai stiu eu ce.

Market Glory este un joc, un simulator economic, politic, social si militar iar banii virtuali adunati de tine ii poti converti in bani reali. Fiecare jucator are strategia lui in aceasta comunitate iar prin actiune si perseverenta fiecare ajunge mai repede sau mai tarziu sa-si indeplineasca obiectivele. Jocul a fost lansat in august 2011 si in prezent sunt deja peste 7000 de jucatori din Romania inscrisi si altii din alte tari. Lumea se inscrie pentru ca e gratuit si este foarte atractiv, e palpitant sa-ti faci propria afacere virtuala din care sa beneficiezi in lumea reala. Oricine are timp un minut sau cateva minute pe zi, nu este o activitate care sa iti rapeasca timpul. Este un joc care se aliniaza trendului actual si cred ca Market Glory va deveni tot mai popular.

Poti face multe lucruri interesante in joc: sa muncesti (asta inseamna sa dai un click acolo), castigi bani si iti cumperi mancare si primesti energie care te ajuta sa-ti creasca productivitatea, inscrii persoane in joc si primesti bani si pentru activitatea lor, iti poti face firma care sa produca ceva, poti sa oferi locuri de munca si incet incet aduni bani. Cand ai adunati minim 20 de euro ii poti scoate.

Inscrierea in Market Glory

Da click pe linkul de mai jos apoi intra la rubrica Register (sau la Inregistreaza-te daca ai setat limba romana pentru site) si completezi formularul de acolo cu datele tale reale, iar dupa ce ai completat tot dai click pe butonul de inregistrare si vei primi un email cu linkul de activare la adresa spectificata de tine.

click aici pentru INSCRIERE in Market Glory

Ce ai de facut dupa insceriere

Dupa inscriere te logezi pe site-ul Market Glory si daca vrei poti seta limba romana pentru site (dand click pe steguletul din stanga sus care indica limba romana).

Mergi la rubrica Munca si daca gasesti vreo oferta de munca acolo dai click pe Accepta munca. Asta e de fapt munca, sa dai un click acolo si primesti niste banuti in moneda jocului ron (de mentionat ca 50 de ron este echivalent cu 1 euro). Te lasa sa mai muncesti doar dupa 24 de ore. Daca muncesti zilnic timp de 7 zile consecutive primesti si bonus de la Market Glory. E bine sa te logezi zilnic pe site si sa dai un click acolo, chiar nu iti ia timp. Aceste oferte de munca sunt oferite de alti jucatori care au firme.

Faci bani si cand referalii tai muncesc de aceea e bine sa inscrii cat mai multe persoane in joc.
 La rubrica Afiliati gasesti linkul tau de afiliat pe care sa-l dai celor pe care vrei sa-i inscrii in Market Glory. La rubrica Referali vezi cand s-a logat fiecare ultima data, cati referali are, cate venituri si ce energie are si e bine sa-i contactezi, sa-i incurajezi sa munceasca. Cu timpul va invata fiecare ca e rentabil sa-si faca treaba bine.

Cam asta poti face pentru inceput daca nu vrei sa investesti bani in acest joc: sa muncesti zilnic si sa faci inscrieri avand grija ca si inscrisii tai sa munceasca. Cand ai ceva bani adunati sa ma anunti si iti spun cum sa-ti cumperi mancare de calitate ca sa iti cresti energia si astfel vei castiga tot mai multi bani. In fine, poti face multe lucruri in joc, cand o sa ai bani mai multi iti deschizi o firma si oferi locuri de munca producand ceva pentru vanzare. La acest nivel deja faci bani frumosi in Market Glory. Daca ai bani de investit e rentabil s-o faci. Eu personal am inceput asa gratuit si am facut cativa dolari in 2 saptamani iar apoi am investit 510 euro si mi-am facut firme care imi aduc bani tot mai multi. Stiu persoane care au investit cateva mii de euro in joc si au profit considerabil. Este interesant sa te dezvolti si sa castigi tot mai bine. Se poate investi prin cont bancar, card sau paypal. Cred ca multi avem bani in paypal si putem investi 10 euro sau mai mult... merita!

Iti urez mult succes!! In contul tau ai documentatia jocului pe care iti recomand sa o citesti ca sa stii cum merge treaba in joc. Spor la bani in Market Glory!

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Earth And Legend apk

Earth And Legend apk

Earth And Legend apk

Merupakan sebuah game lama yang sebenarnya sudah saya tahu dan pernah saya mainkan walau sebentar. Waktu itu punya HP Xperia J membuat saya harus mendownload banyak game. Bukan karena HPnya powerful dan kuat mainin banyak game loh ya, tapi sebaliknya. Ada banyak game yang tidak bisa saya mainkan di XJ, 
Jadi download banyak game agar ada yang bisa saya mainkan untuk cadangan game yang akan saya mainkan. Dari beberapa game, cukup beruntung jika ada satu game yang lanjay saya mainkan. Tapi game yang FC dan lag parah tidak saya hapus loh, tapi saya simpan di di HDD external ataupun Laptop. Karena saya pikir, mungkin saja nanti saya membeli HP dengan spesifikasi yang bisa memainkan game-game tersebut._^ hehee. 

Game ini adalah salah satu game yang bisa saya mainkan di XJ saya waktu itu, tapi dalam postingan ini akan saya share versi lebih baru yang bisa saya temukan. Game ini sendiri adalah sebuah game TPS 3D dengan ukuran yang kecil dan ringan dimainkan. Pada awal game ini, kita akan mengcreate karakter, memilih gender, face dan memberinya nama. Tidak ada kelas dalam game ini, karena kita bebas menggunakan senjata di dalam gameplaynya. Tersedia 3 jenis senjata yang bisa kita pilih, pedang, panah dan kapak. Masing-masing dari ketiga senjata tersebut memiliki skillnya masing-masing, yang bisa player buka dengan skill point yang player dapat saat naik level. Dan menurut saya, hal ini adalah salah satu daya tarik dari game ini.

Tidak hanya bertualang, dalam game ini player juga bisa menghabiskan waktu dengan memancing. Hasilnya bisa saja di konsumsi atau di jual untuk memperoleh beberapa tambahan uang. Tentu saja berguna untuk memberi beberapa equipment dan beberapa item yang berguna dalam pertempuran. Grinding sangat di perlukan dalam game ini, yang bisa berarti cukup menyenangkan bagi beberapa player atau mungkin menyebalkan untuk sebagian player lainnya. Tapi bagaimanapun grinding sangat di perlukan agar level karakter naik dan bisa melakukan misi yang di berikan oleh penduduk kota.

TESTING  Samsung Galaxy S5 Marshmallow
MODE       Offline

REQUIRED: Android OS 4.0.3 And Up

Earth And Legend apk
Earth And Legend apk
"Create Karakter"

Earth And Legend apk
"Mini game memancing"

Earth And Legend apk
Earth And Legend apk
Earth And Legend apk
Earth And Legend apk
"Gameplay lumayan seru dan menarik"

Earth And Legend v2.1.5
apk -> download <-53.5mb


Earth And Legend v2.1.5
apk -> download <- 53.5mb

-> Cara download file dari Mega di android <-

  1. Download
  2. Instal gamenya (cukup klik file "apk" di file manager.)
  3. Full size
  4. Selamat memainkan gamenya guys......
akhir kata, terima kasih telah mengunjungi Blog saya yang masih cupu ini.... hehehe

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Driver manager 8 2 Crack Registration key Full download

Driver manager 8 2 Crack Registration key Full download

Driver manager 8.2 Crack Registration key Full

Driver manager 8.2 Crack is including individual driver backups. These backups can be used to restore the system at a later stage. There are several drivers managers that gives users the possibility to choose the divers that should be updated. whereas others do not provide this option and will update all of them. it can also be used to backup drivers. so that users will be able to reinstall them without requiring the dedicated CD. if any update is available, it will notify you again and again. Driver manager 8.2 Registration key manages your PC to get 100% up to date Drivers and optimizes PC performance. It is a powerful driver manager for Windows that can backup, restore, search and update your drivers automatically. It is an all-in-one program for dealing with drivers it scans for problems, downloads driver updates and backs your drivers up from within one simple interface.

Driver manager 8.2 Features:

  • Advanced Technology
  • User Friendly Interface
  • Speedy downloads
  • Extensive database.
  • Fast driver updates.
  • Legacy drivers.
  • Backup drivers.
  • Restore backups.
  • Easy migration tools.
  • Import hardware inventory from SCCM or Driver Manager Scanner
  • Search and download drivers for multiple machine models
  • Analyse drivers to determine the installation method
  • Create SCCM Driver and Software packages and assign driver categories
  • Create MDT Out-of-box drivers or Application packages
  • System Center Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
  • Deploy drivers for new hardware within an hour
  • Monitoring system and device drivers.
  • Time saving.
  • Easiest and smartest
  • It�s a useful free tool for managing drivers.
Driver manager 8.2 Crack Registration key Full version

Driver manager 8.2 Registration key  
ID: 7bi94
Registration key: reyf-xvdu-8nbu-655t
Serial key: XHQUV-P2HR1-NPL5E-58O61-2QIL2-TF6T4
Serial key: A7AF692E-098D-4C08-A225-D433CA835ED0
Serial Number: 37054-81191-18079-48316-19027-23022

Download Now Driver manager 8.2 Crack Below Link Here Click Here

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Documents 6 iPhone එකෙන් File Download කරන්න Manage කරන්න සුපිරි App එකක් මෙන්න

Documents 6 iPhone එකෙන් File Download කරන්න Manage කරන්න සුපිරි App එකක් මෙන්න

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Driver Reviver 5 25 2 2 Full Crack โปรแกรมอัพเดทไดรเวอร์

Driver Reviver 5 25 2 2 Full Crack โปรแกรมอัพเดทไดรเวอร์

Driver Reviver ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????????????? Driver Reviver ?????????
????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????

???????????, ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Driver Reviver final release - a convenient driver application for PC developed to help you download and update the latest and compatible drivers for your computer providing you with the largest driver database to install drivers for all types of PCs and hardware controls. It enables you to easily scan for missing, old-dated, incompatible and malfunctioning drivers and installs up-to-date, compatible and working drivers for better hardware performance.

Keep your driver updated to help boost the performance of your PC and system workflow. The program automatically scans all hardware drivers and devices to detect outdated drivers and suggest which ones you want to update and which ones you dont want to update. If you want the program to start automatic driver update and install, then you choose that in options.

It performs a quick drivers scan and shows you how old is the driver (old, very old or ancient). It essentially downloads the right and most recent driver for hardware and devices.

It includes driver downloads and installs for all types of devices and hardware including: Display Adapters (graphic card/ video driver), Monitors, Sound Card drivers, Processor driver, Network Adapters (WiFi, Ethernet and Network card), USB Controller drivers, System Devices, DVD-ROM drivers, SCSI/RAID drivers, CD-ROM drivers and so many more!

?????????? : Admin_malwaresoftware
???????? :
License : Shareware
???????? : ?????
??????? : Crack
??????????? : ?????
???????? : ??????????????
?????????? : RAR
??????????? : 28 MB
?????????????? : Windows
Download :  One2up  |  Zippyshare  |  Userscloud

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Desktop Bird Animated burung cantik melayang layang di desktop

Desktop Bird Animated burung cantik melayang layang di desktop

Hallo Sobat Blogger,..... Apa kabar? Semoga slalu baik2 saja. Oke tanpa basa basi saya ingin share tentang desktop bird animated. Menurut saya desktop bird animated ini cukup bagus untuk sekedar menghiasi desktop kita, Bagi anda yang senang keindahan dan ingin tampil beda, desktop bird animated ini dapat dijadikan pilihan.
Berikut ini Screen Shootnya....

Tertarik....? Silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

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Dragon Fist 2

Dragon Fist 2

Dragon Fist 2
Game Instructions:
Left Player - WASD - Move. T - Punch. Y - Kick. U - Toggle weapon. Right Player - Arrow Keys - Move. Num 4 - Punch. Num 5 - Kick. Num 6 - Toggle weapon.

Play Online Dragon Fist 2

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EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 8 8 Keygen Is Here !

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 8 8 Keygen Is Here !

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is the best free data recovery software to solve all data loss problems � recover files from hard drive, external hard drive, USB drive, Memory card, digital camera, mobile phone, music player and more devices due to deleting, formatting, software crash, hard drive damage, virus attack, partition loss or other unknown reasons. It provides safe, quick and totally full-featured data recovery solution, trusted by millions of users. Just need a few clicks, you can retrieve all your lost data.
Recover deleted, formatted, inaccessible data from computer and most storage devices
Recover data after system crash, computer OS won�t boot or other boot problems

How to install?
Install EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard latest version.
Download Keygen Click On Crack .
Use Any Key to register thats it ��
Enjoy your pro key !!!!
How To Activate ?
Note :
If You are facing any problem when registering please uninstall it and delete its installation folder �.Then again Install  & follow steps thats it ��

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Defend and Defeat Kingdoms

Defend and Defeat Kingdoms

"Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms" is a medieval strategy game. Build a unique medieval city and defend it against Lord Griffenwalds evil hords. This game offers hours of game play for the whole family.
Game features:
� 18 levels + 5 open match levels
� 11 different types of buildings
� Upgradable buildings
� Attack enemy units and buildings
� Defend your towns and cities
� Send out scouts to explore the area
� Original soundtrack
"Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms"adalah permainan strategi abad pertengahan. Membangun kota abad pertengahan yang unik dan mempertahankannya melawan kejahatan Tuhan hords Griffenwald itu. Permainan ini menawarkan jam bermain game untuk seluruh keluarga.
Game fitur:
18 level + 5 pertandingan terbuka tingkat
11 berbagai jenis bangunan
upgradable bangunan
Serangan unit musuh dan bangunan
Mempertahankan kota dan kota-kota
Mengirimkan pengintai untuk menjelajahi daerah tersebut
Asli soundtrack

Click Download button below then SKIP AD to download game Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms in Full Version.
Download game Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms Full Versi dengan klik gambar download dibawah ini kemudian klik LEWATI:


Semua game di blog ini sudah FULL VERSION dilengkapi Serial Number ataupun Crack ataupun Keygennya

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DameWare Mini Remote Control 9 0 1 247 x86 x64

DameWare Mini Remote Control 9 0 1 247 x86 x64

DameWare Mini Remote Control (x86/x64) | 40.5/39.3 MB

Dont be fooled by the name "Mini"! The DameWare Mini Remote Control (DMRC) program is loaded with numerous features to help IT professionals get the most out of remote control connectivity. Unlike other Remote Control programs, the installation of the Mini Remote Control Client Agent does not replace any existing Operating System files, which also eliminates the need for a reboot of the remote machine when connecting. By simply using Microsoft Windows API calls to interact with the local and remote machines, the Mini Remote Control is considered to be the most lightweight and independent remote control application on the market. Hence the term "Mini."

The Mini Remote Control program offers quick and easy "on the fly" deployment of its client agent service to remote machines.* Giving an administrator the ability to remotely install the client agent service eliminates the need to physically visit the remote machine to install the software. This gives administrators the unique ability to remote control any machine on the LAN or WAN (across town, across the country, or even around the world) in a matter of seconds.

The Mini Remote Control includes extensive features with regard to security and encryption, including multiple authentication methods primarily designed to use the Operating Systems built-in security. It also offers additional options of encrypting all communications between the remote and local machines, taking advantage of todays standards for Encryption, Hashing, and Key Exchange.

Version 5.5 and above of the DameWare Mini Remote Control program is also the only known third-party remote administration tool with the ability to perform an Interactive Smart Card Login as well as Remote Smart Card Authentication, using a Smart Card and PIN from your local machine. This also does not require any type of Smart Card Middleware, nor does it even require a Smart Card reader installed on the remote machine.

With tons of settings and features, the Mini Remote Control can be customized to fit your network environment. The Mini Remote Control makes the NT Utilities software suite the ultimate administrative tool for managing Windows based networks. No network is too big or too small for the DameWare Mini Remote Control.

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English

Home Page -

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DVDFab 10 0 3 5 Multilingual

DVDFab 10 0 3 5 Multilingual


File Size: 109 Mb

DVDFab 10 is the most powerful and flexible DVD or Blu-ray copying, ripping, creating and burning, all-in-one software.

Also it�s a fantastic file converter which can rip and convert DVD/Blu-ray movies. Moreover it can transfer your files to various portable devices.

DVDFab 10 supports all popular video and audio formats, HD video and almost all multimedia devices.

This software is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD and Blu-ray movie. It can copy any DVD, Blu-ray disc with Cinavia watermark.

Moreover, it can create a protected disc (BDMV-REC) to disable Civania for playback on PS3.

Your entire movie is copied to a single DVD or Blu-ray with just one click, and everything happens automatically. Also with including menus, trailers and special features.

In DVDFab 10, graphical user interfaces get a complete new outlook. Icons, buttons, tabs, dialogs, all get improved and optimized for best efficiency and aesthetics. Besides, the first time in the history of DVDFab, user-defined skins eventually become a reality. You will able make your DVDFab 10 the way you want, stylish, reminiscence, majestic, etc. Your style. Your choice.

The redesigned task manager presents you all the current tasks and the most recent tasks in one place. The detailed status of each task, ready to start, processing, wait in queue, success, failed, cancelled, not processed, exit unexpectedly, etc, all at a quick glance.

DVDFab Remote will keep you timely updated. Task status like progress percentage, estimated time remaining, failed or completed, just a glimpse away on your smart phone screen.
64-bit Encoding Technology

As the 32-bit OS gradually loses its aura, the prevailing of 64-bit becomes irresistible. DVDFab 10 surely takes that advantage to help you get the most of your system, by utilizing the 64-bit technology while encoding H.264 and H.265 sources.
Optimized UI and Framework

The redesigned UI layouts based on the completely new architecture and framework also lay solid foundation for DVDFab 10�s stability.
Backup Tools

Word�s top-ranking DVD and Blu-ray backup tools, including DVD Copy and Blu-ray Copy, dedicating to providing the leading service to copy and backup any DVD, Blu-ray disc, ISO, Folder without losing quality in a flash speed.
Ripper Tools

The most full-featured ripper tools including DVD Ripper and Blu-ray Ripper. They can read and rip all DVDs and Blu-rays to any mainstream video and audio formats or devices with various settings to make the output video fit your need.
Converter Tools

World�s cutting-edge universal conversion tools including Video Converter, Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVD to Blu-ray Converter, capable of converting between videos, between DVD and Blu-ray, with a sea of profiles for your consideration.
Cinavia Solution

World�s first complete Cinavia solution: DVDFab CinaviaRemoval HD, dedicating to helping you get completely rid of the hard-to-conquer Cinavia protections embedded in the audio track of any Cinavia protected disc.

Blu-ray Copy is the first full-featured Blu-ray copier, burner, cloner powerful enough to copy any Blu-ray to any Blu-ray, DVD, AVCHD disc (with BD format, and only can be played on BD player) or to your hard drive with just one or a few clicks.

One superior feature of DVDFab Blu-ray Copy is that it fully supports Blu-ray 3D. It can copy any BD 50 3D to BD 25 3D in the original format, copy 3D Blu-ray to 2D Blu-ray, and convert Blu-ray 3D to Blu-ray SBS 3D. DVDFab Blu-ray Copy can also customize the copy of any movie title in 2D/3D Blu-ray that you select.

DVDFab Technology:
  • The new Meta Info feature will allow user to upload Blu-ray Meta data and make the media server more intelligent.
  • DVDFab Cloud Decryption service makes the decryption complete in a matter of seconds.
  • BluPath analysis tool can quickly and precisely find the right playlist and region code for Blu-ray.
  • PathPlayer identifies all the playable contents on a DVD disc to pave the way for a blazing fast decryption.
  • StealthyClone will help users backup/clone BDs regardless of Sony DADC Screen Pass and other structural protections.
  • Lightning Shrink � world�s most efficient GPU-acceleration It based on Blu-ray compressing technology to rip or convert Blu-rays within one hour.
  • Can solve playback problem of the copy of Cinavia protected Blu-ray on PS3
  • Lightning-Recoding technology is the homebrew of DVDFab applied in Blu-ray Copy
  • .miniso file can be produced by Blu-ray Copy and mounted by Virtual Drive to simulate ISO image
  • Intel Quick Sync makes DVDFab quicker at video decoding/encoding during copy/ripping/conversion
  • NVIDIA CUDA and AMD APP accelerate DVDFab�s speed in DVD/Blu-ray/video conversion
  • BD Shrink technology enables DVDFab Blu-ray Copy to compress Blu-ray (3D) movies to smaller sizes to fit on blank BD 25/BD 9/BD 5 discs.
  • BDInfo will help you get the detailed information on the Blu-ray you are backing up.
  • Supports 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) videos to help you enjoy ultra high definition experience.
  • H.265 codec compresses video files to the half size with the same video quality as the original
Whats New:
Fix: A crash problem when encountering the read error during opening DVD/Blu-ray disc in certain cases.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).

DVDFab Final

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