Saturday, April 28, 2018

Divide Google PageRank PR Thanks To All Dear Friends And Visitors

Divide Google PageRank PR Thanks To All Dear Friends And Visitors


Praise to Allah SWT on who gave my a great gift this week, and I thank you for the trust my friend all the ever visited my blog, whether its my friend who purposely to look for software or friend who comes to Blogwalking (BW). Today it was so excited because  I  finally divide up Pagerank (PR) to the bloggers, and thank God I was  sprayed  PR from  Google . Thank you  Google , which makes me very excited is the second blog I manage to get  PageRank (PR)  from  Google . Whether it  Daoud Software Blog  and  surprisingly instantly got  PageRank 3  . Alhamdulillah ... To be honest I myself did not realize when I get blogs  PageRank , M Friend  who congratulated me and told me that blogs  Daoud Software  get a gift  PageRank  from  Google , the curious mix finally believe me check  Pagerank  my Blog at  www . consequently my blog also got  PageRank  from  Google . A systematic calculation of  Pagerank Google , Once again I thank  God , the  faithful visitorsthe friend  who always took the time to BW , and thanks  Google .

go to link download