Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Du Meter Full Pre activated Version No Needs To Use Crack or Patch

Du Meter Full Pre activated Version No Needs To Use Crack or Patch

Du meter is a Utillity tools for windows based computers, and it�s used for monitoring internet usage. There is so many internet usage monitoring tools in the Web, if you search in Google you will find many other tools like �Du meter� but Du meter is the best tool have i ever seen and used. you can also use the �Net Speed Monitor� software, it�s good too..

But there�s a little bit problem about Du metter, that it�s not a freeware. So, if you want to use it you have to pay for it a little cost only $22! . But if you search in the internet there is so many cracked or patched versions are available, but problem is that you have to suffer so many problem to use those crack or patch. Sometime the crack or patch doesn�t work besides hackers join harmful viruses with the keyzen or crack files wich is so harmful for your pc and privency.

Now a question is knocking at your mind that �Is there any way to use Du meter full version without any crack or keyzen�??

The answer is yes! You can use the Du meter soft without any keyzen or crack file and obesly the full version.

Yes i am going to give you the Pre-activated version of  Du meter. Pre-activated means it�s already activated, so you have no need to use crack or keyzen file to activate. So you can enjoy the Soft without any problem.

You can use this software in Windows xp, Windows 7, and Windows 8 too.


Supported Operating Systems
DU Meter 6.x has been tested and fully supports the following Microsoft operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 8

  • Microsoft Windows 7

  • Microsoft Windows Vista

  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2

DU Meter has been tested and is supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows (any version from the list above)

So, Why are you waiting for! Download this software queckly and start using..........   

                                     Download Link 1

                                    Download Link 2

                                        Password: tutozen 

NOTE Download process :  Click the Download Button, Wait 3-4 sec and then  Click   

   Note: If You are using mobile to visit than Read "How To Skip link Using Mobile" .    



go to link download