Thursday, February 22, 2018

Earn Money within 3days 0 7 100 Real and newly trend

Earn Money within 3days 0 7 100 Real and newly trend

click here to singup
below i have add the link signup from there and earn money from today this is not like other ptc site . this is newly intrudes  earning method  below i have mentioned all payment proof and and group wise earning and per one add how much they will pay and fully details . so dont be late who was interested  to e money  go through this link and singup  >>>> click here to singup

here is the value of per add you will get 20 ads per one day and bonus points also . when you increasing bonus points your earning also increase , first 2, 3 days you need to work hard then after easy to earn if your group will increased .  
click here to singup 

below i have mentioned all BAPgroup points and value of ads .

Groups & Bonus Ad Points :                                             number of ads
 BAP Group 1 : ----- 1600 to 14500                 $ 0.1
BAP Group 2 : ----- 14500 to 26500                $ 0.29
BAP Group 3 : ----- 26500 to 51000                $ 0.53
BAP Group 4 : ----- 51000 to 99000                 $ 1.11
BAP Group 5 : ----- 99000 to 184000                $ 2.23
BAP Group 6 : ----- 184000 to 366000              $ 3.78
BAP Group 7 : ----- 366000 to 730000              $ 5.3
BAP Group 8 : ----- 730000 to 1600000             $ 9.3
BAP Group 9 : ----- 1600000 to 3200000           $ 14.16
BAP Group 10 : ----- 3200000 to 6500000          $ 25.36

if your BAP group increased your earning also increasing automatically .. so try this earn well .

How To increase your BAP group

* you must want to watch bonus ad points daily.  
* you need to buy ads , for 1$  they will provide 3160 Bonus Ad Points and 75 visits.

very easy to increase your group .. 

Click Here To Singup

Click Here To Singup 


go to link download