Sunday, April 8, 2018

Download Windows 8 1 8 7 KMS Activator 2014 for Free

Download Windows 8 1 8 7 KMS Activator 2014 for Free

You would have used many KMS and KMO Activators for activating your Windows operating system and they would have worked too for sure, but one thing you always find in these activation tools that there are many antiviruses which treat them as harmful programs. Have you ever given it a second thought that why antivirus behave like this.

The reason is pretty much simple and clear. These tools are not developed by verified publisher and hence their publisher is unknown. Secondly there are certain DAT files used in these tools which may expire after certain period of time thats why many tools were able to work only for 180 days or so.

The KMS tool with which we have come up this time is the latest version KMS Auto-Activator 2014 which works for recently released Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

The features in this activator include no harm to system files, activation for lifetime, updated from KMS Server, other previous bugs and errors were fixed.

KMS Ultimate 2014 Windows activation can activate:

MS Windows 8.1 Professional Edition.
MS Windows 8.1 Professional WMC Edition.
MS Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition.
MS Windows Server 2012 R2 Data Centre Edition.
MS Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard Edition.
MS Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Edition.
MS Windows 8 Professional Edition.
MS Windows 8 Professional Edition.
MS Windows 8 Enterprise Edition.
MS Windows 7 Professional Edition.
MS Windows 7 Enterprise Edition.
MS Windows Vista Business Edition.
MS Windows Vista Enterprise Edition.

How to install the KMS Activator - Permanent Windows Activator:

  • Extract the zip file and install the application.
  • Then Run the application �As Administrator� to make it work.
  • Then click on the given option of �Clean Activation History�.
  • Click on �Update Server� to Update KMS Server.
  • From options, select your Windows version and edition.
  • Finally click on Activate Now.
  • Your Windows is now activated permanently and successfully.

Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista Activator KMS Ultimate 2014 Free Download Full Version from links give below:

Proceed to Direct Links

Download Windows 8.1/8/7 KMS Activator 2014

go to link download