Earn money with blogger online
Earn money with blogger online
Earn money with blogger online
Making money with a blog is not easy,it takes lots of time to earn but if you are able to make a successful blog your will earn millions of dollars but remember it takes time.
Today I will teach how to make money online with a blog.

Today I will teach how to make money online with a blog.

1 Create a blog
In order to make money, you have to create a blog if you dont Know to make create blog just go to
google and search for make a blog step by step guide after that create a blog with step by step guide.
Now after creating a blog,choose a best for your website niche and a domain name for your blog.
What you decide on to form can rely a little on the subject that you just prefer to compose (on that note, most victorious bloggers have some focus to their blogging whether or not that be a distinct segment or a demographic that they write for).
google and search for make a blog step by step guide after that create a blog with step by step guide.
Now after creating a blog,choose a best for your website niche and a domain name for your blog.
2 Create Unique content
Once you set up a blog you will need to create a high-quality unique content.(dont copy other content)What you decide on to form can rely a little on the subject that you just prefer to compose (on that note, most victorious bloggers have some focus to their blogging whether or not that be a distinct segment or a demographic that they write for).
3 Get traffic
Now you have to get the traffic,share your content on social media site and search keyword probably to get higher rank in Seo.Seo is (search engine optimization ) in which all of your posts data goes to search engine to show your posts in search engine.
4 Google adsense
Once you get the traffic to your website now apply for google adsense its ads company of google.You just have to show ads on your website/blog whenever some one visit your website and click on ad shown by google your will earn money.
5 Affiliate program
affilitae is program in which you show an thing on your website that is worth of 100$ whenever someone buy that thing from your affiliate link you will earn 50$,there are diffirent rates but you will earn much more than google adsense so try this one.
6 Selling Space
First of all you need get high quality traffic when you nedd spacific number of high quality traffic then go the buysellads.com and contect to the advertiser to sell your ad space.
With this method you will Have to set your own price and you will get paid by advertiser monthly or weekly.